Rabbi Dorit
Rabbi Dorit Edut who grew up in northwest Detroit, and was first a teacher, then a family and crisis counselor, and finally fulfilled her lifelong dream when she was ordained in 2006 as a rabbi. She served the Downtown Synagogue in Detroit and presently is a part-time rabbi of Temple Beth Israel in Bay City, MI.
Thirteen years ago, Rabbi Edut brought together a diverse group of clergy and civic leaders in Detroit to find ways to help revitalize the city of Detroit with a focus on its youth. This resulted in the creation of the Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network (DION) where religious and faith groups share their projects, help schools in the city with food insecurity and literacy issues, and bring people together for religious services, as well as cultural and social gatherings.
Rabbi Dorit thinks the idea of creating Detroit as the Safest City in the World is one that is doable and a very worthwhile goal to devote her efforts to.